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Leaders League : DEL-Law climbs the Rankings !
DEL-Law is proud to announce its rise in the Leaders League ranking of the best labor law firms in Belgium. Our new position in Tier 1 of the most recommended firms is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence.... By Sarah Kharbouch
Webinar on oFFFcourse - How is Artificial Intelligence transforming labor law?
This Tuesday, May 7, 2024, Forum for the Future is organizing a webinar presented by Me Delmarcelle. This session will focus on a topic of crucial importance: How is Artificial Intelligence transforming labor law? This theme is particularly relevant at... By Sarah Kharbouch
Del-Law Nominated for the Belgian HR Excellence Awards 2024: A Recognition of Excellence in Employment Law
We are thrilled to announce that our firm, Del-Law, has been nominated for the Belgian HR Excellence Awards 2024, in the category "Best Employment Law Firm". This nomination is a testament to our unwavering dedication to providing exceptional legal services... By Sarah Kharbouch
The employer has the right to unilateraly amend the terms of the hospitalisation insurance (Echo 9-11-2021)
Published in Echo |
Le droit de l’employeur à modifier une assurance hospitalisation, où quand les syndicats crient victoire alors qu’ils ont perdu sur l’essentiel… Et heureusement ! La Cour de travail néerlandophone de Bruxelles rendait ce 27 octobre un arrêt capital dans une matière... By Christophe Delmarcelle
Join the Debate: AI in Business and Social Law - Lunch hosted by FAIB on February 20, 2024
On 20 February 2024, Me Christophe Delmarcelle will have the pleasure of hosting a lunch-debate organised by the FAIB (Federation of European and International Associations established in Brussels) on the Implementation and use of AI in companies - Social law... By Christophe Delmarcelle
Compensation and Salary Benefits, Stop or Continue (Echo - 17-01-2024)
Me Delmarcelle's article in Echo of January 17, 2024 regarding salary optimizations in 2024. When Belgium, the undisputed champion in salary taxation, is also - for good reason - the champion of rampant salary optimizations. There seems to be no... By Christophe Delmarcelle