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QR the debate: Should political mandates and salaries be combined or not? Relive our debate

Should all public offices be abolished? Is it a good idea for MPs and mayors to combine their mandates with a single salary? Is it good for local councils to have more than one deputy and one mayor? Should the salaries of elected representatives be reduced? Are there more advantages in politics than in any other sector? Is it normal for part of the salary of elected representatives to go to their party?
Press articles

The situation is getting worse between management and workers at Audi Brussels. Blockades, confiscation of keys, lockouts - are they legal?

Last week, workers at Audi Brussels stopped work following the announcement of the possible closure of the site, due to the lack of a successor for the Q8 Etron. They occupied the plant and blocked operations, including confiscating the keys to 200 vehicles. This event illustrates the growing tensions in the European automotive industry, affected by the European Union's ecological and industrial policies.
Press articles

Surveillance abuse Amazon

Beware of penalties if you inappropriately monitor your employees. The conviction in France of Amazon for inappropriately monitoring its employees reminds Belgian companies of the severe penalties awaiting them if they breach the GDPR.

Press articles

Delhaize, Terminating a Company Collective Agreement, Is It Legal? What are the Consequences? (Trends 23-2-2023)

Published in Trends 23-2-2023 |
Delhaize, Terminating a Company Collective Agreement, Is It Legal? What are the Consequences? On Thursday, February 16, 2022, Delhaize announced the termination of the currently effective company collective labor agreement regulating the organization of stores, including functions, tasks, and schedules...
Press articles

Infanticide and termination of the employment contract (Echo 30-11-2022)

Published in L'Echo 30-11-2022 |
In a tragic news item, on November 17, 2022, C., a 44-year-old man living in Oostkamp, ​​murdered his two little girls aged 5 and 8 a few months after separating from their mother and while he had custody of them. When questioned, his employer for many years, the metallurgical company Sadef, nevertheless described him as a conscientious and calm employee who had never caused any problems.
Press articles

Tax regime for impatriate workers: A change intended to save money that will actually cost Belgium dearly, both financially and in terms of international competitiveness (Echo 18-1-2022)

The special status for foreign executives, in place since 1983, will be replaced by the new special tax regime for impatriate workers and researchers, introduced in the program law published on December 27, which adds Article 32/1 to the Income Tax Code 1992. Let’s take a closer look at a change that will cost Belgium dearly.
Press articles

Privacy – New Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC)

Our latest DEL-Law newsletter (in French, Dutch, and English) covers the entry into force on September 27, 2021, of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/914 of June 4, 2021. This decision, adopted in the wake of the Schrems II ruling by the CJEU, introduces new Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) in accordance with the GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). We assist you with the implementation of these much stricter clauses.
Press articles

Bad weather has severely affected many Belgians. It's time for employers to remember that they can help workers by granting them a tax and social security-exempt benefit (Trends, 29-7-2021)

Published in Trends |
In recent days, many people have lost everything or nearly everything due to the exceptional weather conditions we have experienced. Destroyed or flooded homes, ruined furniture, clothing, cars—for some, it’s an entire life to rebuild.
Press articles

Remote recruitment

Teleworking also means remote recruitment management, which raises a host of legal and practical issues The Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) 38 sets out the legal framework for the recruitment and selection of employees, and even applies to the recruitment...
Press articles

How to protect my staff?

Published in Trends |

Hygiene measures, telecommuting, travel restrictions, and even meetings. To keep their staff away from the epidemic, companies are implementing policies that vary in strictness. This is necessary for business continuity, but also a legal obligation.

Press articles

Covid-19 : Réquisition

Published in l'Echo |

McDonald's, Quick, and Burger King announced on Wednesday, March 18, the start of the lockdown, that they would cease their "drive-in" restaurant activities, i.e., takeout services. Was this necessary? Was it civic-minded?

Press articles

Cancellation of cash for cars

Published in L'Echo |

The "cash for cars" was announced as the remedy to the company car issue. Through a series of small "one-off" measures, the concept of remuneration has been undermined to the point of creating discrimination between workers.

Press articles

Lying on your CV

Published in Trends |

In December, the new CEO of Proximus was accused of having lied on his C. V. In reality, it was his previous employer who had ‘upgraded’ the qualifications of a training course he had taken.
But what does an employee risk if he really has lied about his qualifications?

Press articles

Pour avoir entretenu une relation sur son lieu de travail, le CEO de McDonald's aurait-il pu être licencié en Belgique?

Published in Forum for the future |
La nouvelle a fait la Une des journaux. Le CEO de McDonald's remercié, malgré ses succès professionnels, pour avoir entretenu une relation avec une employée de la société en violation des règles internes de l’entreprise interdisant toute relation avec un subordonné. Un tel licenciement est-il possible en Belgique ?
Press articles

Number one taxes on wages, cafeteria plans and misguided ‘ flexible ’ remuneration policies, cash for cars and mobility bonuses, denounced tax rulings ... When the refusal to acknowledge the problem leads to an impasse ...

One should see them these politicians, these lawyers, these specialists in ‘ compensation and benefits “ so happy to sell us the cash-for cars, the mobility premiums, the cafeteria plans, the remuneration with ” points ’ as THE good solution that will please everyone.

Press articles

Dismissal during sick leave

Since new rules came into force on 1 January, it is no longer possible to dismiss an employee while on sick leave, I hear. Is that right? Then what about the guaranteed salary? Christophe Delmarcelle, a lawyer at the Brussels Bar, answers.
