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Caught in the Act… of Taking Vacation (Echo 21-5-2024)
DEL-Law nominated for the second year in a row at the HR Excellence Awards 2025
Conference Tuesday, September 24: "GDPR as a Litigation Tool: Leveraging Data Protection in Your Civil, Social, and Criminal Procedures"
Compensation and Salary Benefits, Stop or Continue (Echo - 17-01-2024)
Replacement of an employee by AI, unreasonable? (Trends - 14-09-2023)
Can a recording of a Teams video conference be presented in court? (Trends - 14-09-2023)
Disciplined or Terminated for Using ChatGPT? (Echo 8-7-2023)
Published in L'Echo |Delhaize, Terminating a Company Collective Agreement, Is It Legal? What are the Consequences? (Trends 23-2-2023)
Published in Trends 23-2-2023 |Social elections it is already time to think about it... (Trends 11-10-2022)
Infanticide and termination of the employment contract (Echo 30-11-2022)
Published in L'Echo 30-11-2022 |Does your employer have the right to monitor you while working remotely? (ECHO June 10, 2022)
Which right to a leave to find another job? (Trends 26-5-2022)
Published in Trends |Notice Compensation, Lump-Sum Premium, and Optimization: Issues at the Intersection of Employment Law and Pension Law
A Russian worker facing discrimination could file a complaint in Belgium (Echo 25-3-2022)
Blocked in Ukraine? What are the implications for employers and employees? (Echo 8-3-2022)
Published in Echo |Can you retrieve the company car after two months of sickness leave? (Trends 24-2-2022)
Published in Trends |Tax regime for impatriate workers: A change intended to save money that will actually cost Belgium dearly, both financially and in terms of international competitiveness (Echo 18-1-2022)
What with the electronic employment contract? (Trends - 15-4-2021)
Published in Trends |The electronic signature is very framed. Reminder of important points to watch out for. Attention, a complex subject in Belgium where nothing is ever simple ...
By Christophe Delmarcelle
In the event of a social inspectorate control, can the employer representatives remain silent or refuse to give documents? (Trends 15-7-2021)
Published in Trends |Can strikers block warehouses? (Trends 30-9-2021)
Published in Trends |The employer has the right to unilateraly amend the terms of the hospitalisation insurance (Echo 9-11-2021)
Published in Echo |Privacy – New Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC)
Bad weather has severely affected many Belgians. It's time for employers to remember that they can help workers by granting them a tax and social security-exempt benefit (Trends, 29-7-2021)
Published in Trends |During a social inspection, can employer representatives remain silent or refuse to provide documents?
Published in Trends |Can an employer legally "phase" planned layoffs to avoid the information and consultation procedure required in the case of collective redundancies, known as the "Renault Law"?
When the state bends tax rules to support teleworkers
Unofficial coordination of the Ministerial Order of November 28, 2020, compared to the Ministerial Orders of November 1 and November 30, 2020
Our unofficial coordination of the COVID Ministerial Order of October 18, 2020, with the amendments as applicable on November 28, 2020, and the previous orders of October 18, October 23, October 28, and November 1, 2020, highlighted.
By Christophe DelmarcelleSmart kilometric tax in Brussels, should the employer pay if it was to be implemented?
Published in Fleet |When the employer maintains the email address of one of this former employees...
Published in L'Echo |Indécence
Published in L'Echo |A l’heure des faillites en cascade, des licenciements, des fermetures, un peu de décence tout de même…
By Christophe DelmarcelleWhich terms and conditions of employment can be changed unilateraly by the employer?
Avec la crise du coronavirus, toute la palette des modifications des conditions de travail y est passée : lieux de travail, horaires, salaires, processus, fonctions - certains employés étant " réaffectés " à d'autres tâches... Mais l'employeur peut-il changer unilatéralement ces conditions ?
By Christophe DelmarcelleTemporary unemployment - Can you pay a top up? ( Trends - 23-4-2020)
Published in Trends |Un employeur propose un complément aux allocations de chômage temporaire de ses employés. Comment est-ce traité au plan fiscal et social ?
By Christophe DelmarcelleWhen teleworking is not possible. The questions to ask (Trends - 26-3-2020)
Published in Trends |La décision de confinement prise par le gouvernement génère encore des questions pour ceux qui restent sur leur lieu de travail.
By Christophe DelmarcelleComment protéger mon personnel ?
Published in Trends |Covid-19 : Réquisition
Published in l'Echo |Annulation du cash for cars
Published in L'Echo |Mentir dans son CV
Published in Trends |En décembre, le nouveau CEO de Proximus avait été accusé d'avoir menti sur son C. V. En réalité, c'est son employeur précédent qui avait «surclassé» en diplôme une formation qu'il avait suivie. Mais que risque un employé qui aurait réellement, menti sur ses qualifications ?
By Christophe DelmarcelleUn travailleur peut-il bloquer son trajet de réintégration ?
Published in Trends |Can a union representative say or write anything?
Published in Forum for the future |In the current context, union representatives cannot, under the pretext of union freedom, attack certain workers in an insulting and/or defamatory manner, even under the guise of freedom of expression.
By Christophe DelmarcellePour avoir entretenu une relation sur son lieu de travail, le CEO de McDonald's aurait-il pu être licencié en Belgique?
Published in Forum for the future |Plainte contre la STIB pour discrimination lors du recrutement, le point sur la question
Published in Forum for the future |La Société des transports intercommunaux de Bruxelles (STIB) est confrontée à une plainte pour discrimination d’une juriste suite au rejet de sa candidature en vue d’un recrutement.
By Christophe DelmarcelleTerrorist risks: how can employers prevent and respond?
Published in Trends |Two weeks ago, we discussed prevention and the attitude to adopt towards a radicalized employee. Here, we address other preventive measures, particularly material ones, in the face of the terrorist risk.
By Christophe DelmarcelleA quand une réforme globale du système fiscal belge ?
Published in Forum for the future |"Impact of the new GDPR on the recruitment and selection process"
Published in LinkedIn |When your association recruits and selects candidates or employees, it receives, collects and processes their personal data for the purpose of assessing their candidacy to the job or position being offered and / or creating a recruitment reserve.
By Christophe DelmarcelleImpossible d'aller au travail pour cause d'intempéries? Que dit la loi?
Published in Trends |Un employeur peut-il refuser de payer mon salaire pour la journée si je ne me rends pas au travail en raison de la neige ? Dois-je le prévenir ? Puis-je travailler à domicile ?
By Christophe DelmarcellePeut-on enregistrer une réunion à l'insu des participants ?
Published in Trends |Un employé est convoqué pour un entretien avec son employeur, peut-il enregistrer la conversation à son insu pour en garder la preuve ?
By Christophe Delmarcelle"Ghosn case": Is it possible to dismiss an employee for a serious reason based on events in their private life? Does the contract automatically end in the event of an arrest?
Published in La Libre |What is now the "Carlos Ghosn case" is making headlines and raises the question of an employee, like Mr. Ghosn, who would be charged with fraud or even arrested preventively.
By Christophe DelmarcelleSocial Elections of 2020: It’s (Already) Time to Think About Them
Quand les recruteurs espionnent les réseaux sociaux...
Published in Trends |Je postule pour un emploi et lors de l'interview, on m'annonce que la société pratique des contrôles "pré-emploi" pour vérifier les informations de mon C.V., notamment sur Internet. Est-ce légal?
By Christophe DelmarcelleThe ECJ's Judgment in the Barbulescu Case: Truly Something New?
How far can an employer go in monitoring the Internet? On Tuesday, the judges of the Grand Chamber, the highest court of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, handed down a long-awaited ruling on the balance between corporate security and employee privacy.
By Christophe DelmarcelleDidier Bellens counter-attacks
Published in Trends |Following his dismissal by the Belgian state, Didier Bellens is taking Belgacom to the labour court. The proceedings raise a number of questions.
By Christophe Delmarcelle