Take part in the debate: AI in business and employment law - Lunch organised by FAIB on 20 February 2024

Posted the 13 February 2024
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On 20 February 2024, Christophe Delmarcelle will have the pleasure of hosting a lunch-debate organised by FAIB (Federation of European International Associations established in Belgium) on the Implementation and use of AI in companies - Employment law aspects. The use of...

Le 20 février 2024, Me Christophe Delmarcelle aura le plaisir d'animer un déjeuner-débat organisé par la FAIB (Fédération des Associations européennes internationales établie en Belgique) sur l'Implantation et l'utilisation de l'IA dans les entreprises - Aspects de droit social. L'utilisation...

On 20 February 2024, Me Christophe Delmarcelle will have the pleasure of hosting a lunch-debate organised by the FAIB (Federation of European International Associations established in Belgium) on the Implementation and use of AI in companies - Aspects of social law.

The use of AI-related tools and software in the workplace does indeed raise workplace issues that will be summarised and discussed during this lunchtime debate.

Comment l'implémenter, faut-il informer et consulter les employés, peut-on motiver un licenciement parce qu'on remplace un employé par l'IA ou peut-on licencier un employé qui a utilisé l'IA à l'encontre de la politique de l'entreprise, sont autant de questions qui seront abordées. Aspects relating to work, health and safety, confidentiality, dismissal rules and privacy will also be debated.

For those who wish to register:

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